Население Иркутска

Population: 2,4 million people

37 nationalities  

Among 2,4 million people: Russians — 88%, Buryats —3,2%, Ukrainians — 1,27%, Tatars — 0,94%, Belorussians — 0,33%, Armenians — 0,27%, Azerbaijanis — 0,22%. The region territory is also settled by Yakuts, Tuvinians, Evenks, Tofalars, Khakas and other nationalities

is urban population
37 лет
years old age of residents
34 906,8
average salary

The Angara region is one of the largest cultural centers of Siberia and the Far East. The region has 10 theaters, 48 museums, 762 libraries, 100 art schools, 812 cultural-leisure type institutions.

The territory of the region provides scientific and research activities of 15 institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 20 research and design institutes.

The innovation activity infrastructure includes technology parks, business incubators, the Cluster Development Center, the Innovative Youth Creativity Centers, the Scientific equipment and instruments multiple access Centers, supporting funds for small and medium-sized businesses, the regional guarantee fund.
